COVID Safe Management Plan
We have developed a comprehensive COVID Safe Management Plan that has to be approved by each local council before we can stage the market. The safety of our stallholders, shoppers and staff is paramount for us. Please click on the COVID Safe Logo to find out more about Coronavirus and check our poster out about some of the measures in place at our markets.
Latest restrictions/controls are listed below this for both stallholders and shoppers.
If you require more information please email us here
COVID Safe Controls
The Victorian State Government is in charge of setting/lifting restrictions for business to follow and adhere to.
Markets fall under 'Other Retail' in these restrictions and are not classed as gatherings.
Aswell as the core messages in the poster above these other policies are in
All Individual market stalls must have their own COVID Safe Plan
All stalls should have hand sanitiser on them for you to use aswell as the Unrivalled Events hand sanitiser at the main entrance to the market
Queuing - Please maintain a distance of 1.5m between you and the next person.
All restrictions have been lifted for Outdoor Markets as of 19th November 2021
Makers Markets - Open
Essential Food Markets - Open
VACCINATED OR NOT VACCINATED - As markets are classed as Essential Retail and at Public Parks anyone is allowed to attend the market
Density Limit - None
Face Coverings - DO NOT Need to be worn unless you cannot socially distance.
QR Code Check In - The Market QR Code will be at the entrance points to the market, please look out for these. At unmanned areas they will either be on the back of the rubbish bins or on a bollard. Please make sure you scan in. We also every hour have a lollipop going around the market with our staff which has it on and you can scan. We have a Covid Check In Marshall at each market at the main entrance. Our staff cannot force you to check in, only ask you to.
QR Code Individual Market Stalls Check Ins - Each Stall has its own QR Code which must be displayed at the Point of Sale areaof the stall for you to scan, please help our stallholders by automatically doing this. Even if a shopper stops but does not buy at your stall they need to Check In. A point of sale is where a customer pays for goods and services
To register a QR Code for your business click here